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Sneak Peek: New Story Aesthetics

As you know, I am currently working on three new books for 2022 (hopefully) release. Below are the current aesthetics for the next story in the pipeline. This one is going to be a Fantasy/Crime/Thriller/Romance novella. More details to come.

What do you think so far?

Photo credits

Moon Photo by Vincent Peters from Pexels

Wolf Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Dark wolf Photo by Angel Luciano on Unsplash

Fishing Photo by Vukelic Jeca on Unsplash

Dark fisherman Photo by Daniele Colucci on Unsplash

Black Woman Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Small Town Photo by Olivia Hutcherson on Unsplash

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4 comentários

16 de dez. de 2021

I agree with April. The imagery is dark and beautiful

16 de dez. de 2021
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Thank you


April Verge
April Verge
16 de dez. de 2021

I like the aesthetics for your book. It's very dark and moody, and will work for the theme that you are going for. Look forward to for more information about it.

16 de dez. de 2021
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Thank you

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